Organisational Hypocrisy in Sustainability Reporting: A Case Study on TotalEnergies

Frederik Mikkonen Leth

Student thesis: Master thesis


This case represent the case study of TotalEnergies in the theoretical context of organizational
hypocrisy in sustainability reporting. The methods used in the thesis are those of qualitative
content analysis, where disclosures are collected and analyzed with the intention of finding gaps
between organizational talk and actions. The findings of the paper suggest that TE has perhaps
benefited from using organizational hypocrisy, but that more research is needed in order to make
the findings transferable. Therefore the recommendation and conclusion for future research on
this area to provide more similar case studies so that generalisations can be made to a higher

EducationsMSc in Accounting, Strategy and Control, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis
Publication date15 Jan 2024
Number of pages55