The research goal of this thesis was to explore the developmental outcome of a digital learning Information and Communication for Development (ICT4D) project from a human development perspective for women entrepreneurs of Rwanda’s tourism and hospitality industry. Based on the capability approach, the impact of this ICT4D intervention, the atingi eAcademy Tourism and Hospitality, is examined in terms of the expansion of freedoms that individuals enjoy, revealing both potentials and barriers of free digital learning courses for female decisionmakers. Following a pragmatist philosophy, a multimethod qualitative approach consisting of 13 semi-structured interviews and participant observations was conducted and complemented with secondary data for a further contextual understanding. The data was analyzed using a hybrid approach, combining deductive coding based on the framework and thematic analysis. The findings reveal that to date, the developmental impact of the digital learning ICT4D intervention has been limited; however, digital learning courses have a high potential for alleviating the capability deprivation associated with traditional types of training, such as the unavailability of relevant training, time constraints, and prohibitive costs for women entrepreneurs. Despite the theoretical ability to utilize online courses due to the availability of digital devices and internet connectivity, barriers included language skills, digital literacy skills, motivation and relevance, preference for other forms of learning, and cultural factors associated with smartphone usage. In addition, the findings point towards limitations when it comes to the redistribution of the courses due to employer-employee barriers in the industry. This thesis offers practical recommendations for mitigating design-reality gaps of digital learning ICT4D projects and contributes towards the ICT4D field and the capability approach.
Educations | MSc in Business, Language and Culture - Business and Development Studies, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis |
Language | English |
Publication date | 2023 |
Number of pages | 183 |
Supervisors | Søren Jeppesen |