A Systemstheoretical Analysis of use of Protest Communication in Businesses

Ida Marie Schrøder Koefoed, Signe Buchholtz Andersen & Anna Heilmann-Clausen

Student thesis: Master thesis


This Master thesis takes its point of departure in a reflection on the rise of protest communication amongst businesses. The thesis is an exemplary thesis, meaning we have selected a representative case as the target of our investigation, in order to draw wider conclusions based on this case. We have selected Coop, a Danish FMCG retail chain, which recently ran a campaign utilizing protest communication. By employing a Luhmannian systems theoretical framework, we have applied 2nd order observations to Coops communication. By way of these observations we have examined Coops communication in order to determine how Coop utilizes protest communication as a mechanism for change, pertaining to inadequate structures. Concretely this means that we are observing the continued reproduction of expected patterns of communication, which have become inadequate over time. Initially we have determined the existence of certain semantics, which have changed over time. We have further established that these semantics draw on particular communication forms, Pedagogy, Science and Protest. Subsequently we have determined the function of these semantics and forms. We have established that they have an immunizing effect on Coop in terms of addressing inadequate structures. Finally we have observed how the protest communication has unfolded in a disorderly way for Coop. This thesis ultimately concludes that certain structures present a challenge for Coop in order to navigate in an increasingly complex society. We have determined that protest communication acts as an immunizing mechanism, which facilitates radical change. Furthermore, the disorderly unfolding of the protest communication constitutes the result of protest communication. This is because the unruly nature of protest enables the companies to observe their own structures, and determine which have become inadequate over time. However, because the protest is a product of the society it seemingly protests, is also noted that the fundamental paradox of protest communication calls into question whether the immunization is truly effective.

EducationsMSocSc in Political Communication and Management, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis
Publication date2018
Number of pages145
SupervisorsNiels Åkerstrøm Andersen