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Adverse Selektion på NADAQ OMX København i mikro-struktur perspektiv
Peter Just Urban Hansen
MSc in Finance and Accounting, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2010
Student thesis: Master thesis
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A European Crisis: Considering EU Institutional Framework in Light of the Migration Crisis in Greece
Ebert, C.
MSc in International Business and Politics, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2016
Student thesis: Master thesis
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Afdækning af valutatransaktions- og translationsrisiko i ikke-finansielle koncerner i henhold til regnskabsstandarden IAS 39
Allan Ries Kjærgaard
Graduate Diploma in Finance, (Diploma Programme) Final Thesis, 2009
Student thesis: Diploma thesis
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Affaldssortering som institution: En undersøgelse af kommunal affaldssortering fra et institutionelt perspektiv
Holmriis, M. K.
MSc in Psychology, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2020
Student thesis: Master thesis
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Afgangsprojekt om skattely
Henrik Bak Rasmussen, Sebastian Gymoese Ulriksen
Graduate Diploma in Accounting and Financial Management, (Diploma Programme) Final Thesis, 2020
Student thesis: Diploma thesis
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Afgifts-, moms- og skattemæssige regler vedrørende brugen af gulpladebiler
Jens Frederik Larsen
MSc in Auditing, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2012
Student thesis: Master thesis
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A Financial Appraisal of Norway’s Climate Policy Towards 2020: Valuation of wind farms under the “green certificate scheme”
Fredrik Møldrup Celius
MSc in Finance and Strategic Management, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2013
Student thesis: Master thesis
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Afkastmodeller og det danske aktiemarked: En empirisk undersøgelse af CAPM og Fama og Frenchs trefaktormodel
Thomas Christiansen
Graduate Diploma in Finance, (Diploma Programme) Final Thesis, 2016
Student thesis: Diploma thesis
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Afkastsammenligning af markedsrenteprodukter i pensionsselskaber
Stephan Bruntse
Graduate Diploma in Finance, (Diploma Programme) Final Thesis, 2016
Student thesis: Diploma thesis
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Afkomplicering af juridisk sprog
Eiliyah Julie Jacobsen Khan
MA in International Business Communication (Intercultural Marketing), (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2010
Student thesis: Master thesis
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A Foucauldian Approach to the Analysis of Discourse Associated with the Permitting Process of Wind Pow
Salgi, G.
Master of Business Development , (Executive Master Programme) Final Thesis, 2023
Student thesis: Master executive thesis
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A Framework for Choosing Alternative Fueling Solutions
Jonas Ullsfoss Afseth
MSocSc in Service Management, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2013
Student thesis: Master thesis
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Afrika-kommissionen: En diskursteoretisk analyse af de nye udviklingsprioriteter indenfor dansk udviklingsbistand
Thea Marie Lüttichau
MSocSc in Political Communication and Management, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2010
Student thesis: Master thesis
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Afskaffelse af iværksætterselskaber
Pernille Louise Jensen
MSc in Auditing, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2020
Student thesis: Master thesis
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Afskaffelsen af Iværksætterselskabet: Med fokus på iværksætternes muligheder i overgangsperioden samt alternativer til den nugældende lovgivning
Philip Syhler Andresen, Daniel Toftegaard Larsen
MSc in Auditing, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2020
Student thesis: Master thesis
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Aftale om tegningsretter i arbejdsgiverselskab: Overdragelse til medarbejderens eget selskab
Hein Larsen, V.
Master i Skat, (Executive Master Programme) Final Thesis, 2021
Student thesis: Master executive thesis
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A Fundamental Valuation of Höegh LNG Holdings
Frederik Johnsen, Frederik Jørgensen Larsen
MSc in Finance and Investments, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2019
Student thesis: Master thesis
A Fundamental Valuation of Prosafe SE
Thomas Scott Lie
MSc in Finance and Strategic Management, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2015
Student thesis: Master thesis
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A fundamental Valuation of Songa Offshore SE
Alexander Surdal Nilsen, Christer Herland Kanestrøm
MSc in Applied Economics and Finance, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2015
Student thesis: Master thesis
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A Fundamental Valuation of the BMW Group
Jalpesh Madlani, Jens Chr. Ulvestad
MSc in Applied Economics and Finance, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2012
Student thesis: Master thesis
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A game of association: Blogs & Co-branding
Mia Backhausen
MSc in International Marketing and Management, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2015
Student thesis: Master thesis
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Agency theory and its consequences: A study of the unintended effect of agency theory on risk and morality
Thomas Rüdiger Smith
MSc in Finance and Strategic Management, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2011
Student thesis: Master thesis
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Agricultural social enterprises in the Philippines: An exploratory qualitative study of Agricultural Social Enterprises tapping into niche markets, while ensuring opportunities for the poor to become self-sufficient
Jacqueline Hansen
MSocSc in Organisational Innovation and Entrepreneurship , (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2014
Student thesis: Master thesis
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Agritourism in Denmark: The Role of Perceived Value of Agritourism Farm Stays in Denmark
Nastasi, F. & Chrapkova, K.
MSocSc in Service Management, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2018
Student thesis: Master thesis
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Aid effectiveness in a network perspective
Pernille Jespersen
MSc in International Business and Politics, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis, 2015
Student thesis: Master thesis