The 4 day workweek is a phenomenon that, over the last years, has reawakened interest among international and national companies and organizations in both the private and public labor markets. With workers' demand for more flexibility and a better work-life balance, and in response to increased stress among many employees, several companies has in different ways chosen to implement a 4 day workweek as a pilot project. Existing research literature in the field bears witness to a number of different working time models, each with a 4 day workweek as the focal point. Much of this previous research examines the effects on work-life balance, flexibility and productivity. However, there is not much research on the effect on self-management. In this dissertation, we will examine the significance of a 4 day workweek for employees' self-management and managers who must lead the self-management employees. It is a case study of Odsherred Municipality's pilot project, which was launched in September 2019. Using a narrative approach and self-management theory, the selected employees and managers' narratives about self-management and management of self-management in a 4 day workweek are analyzed and discussed. Finally, it is found that the 4 day workweek has created a change in employees’ need of management, as they expect to be led differently depending on their own way of self-managing. This can be a challenging task for the managers, who lead themselves different from the employees, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. The managers therefore face the complex task of having to constantly navigate the conflicting needs.
Educations | MSocSc in Human Resource Management, (Graduate Programme) Final Thesis |
Language | Danish |
Publication date | 2020 |
Number of pages | 115 |
Supervisors | Michael Pedersen |