Who Manages Our Supply Chains? Backgrounds, Competencies and Contributions of Human Resources in Supply Chain Management

Christoph Flöthmann

Research output: Book/ReportPhD thesis

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While managers in traditional management functions focus on developing strong expertise to become “specialists” in their own discipline, supply chain managers are a different species: They have to combine a cross-functional understanding of various business fields and multi-faceted competencies to manage the manifold tasks they face on a daily basis. Unfortunately, as globalization has simultaneously increased the complexity of supply chains and the demand for highly qualified personnel, companies are facing a significant undersupply of talent (Cottrill, 2010). Moreover, organizations appear to lack understanding of supply chain personnel and how to support their recruitment, succession planning, and training and development (John, 2015). Surprisingly, at the same time, scientific research on that topic is relatively scarce. In response, the overarching purpose of this paper-based dissertation is to address the research gap between human resource management (HRM) and supply chain management (SCM).
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationFrederiksberg
PublisherCopenhagen Business School [Phd]
Number of pages181
ISBN (Print)9788793483767
ISBN (Electronic)9788793483774
Publication statusPublished - 2017
SeriesPhD series

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