What Is a “Development” Research Project? Transforming Ideas of Development through Development Research

Mette Fog Olwig, Jacob Rasmussen, Lone Riisgaard, Christine Noe, Geetika Khanduja, Peter Taylor, Herbert Hambati, Lisa Ann Richey, Chris Büscher, Paola Minoia

Research output: Other contributionNet publication - Internet publicationCommunication


Development Studies has long operated with binaries such as “developed/developing” and “traditional/modern” that foster implicit assumptions of Northern superiority. As a result, research projects taking place in so-called “developing countries” tend to ask different research questions and use different methods leading to types of theories that differ from those concerning so-called “developed countries.”
Original languageEnglish
Publication date13 Sept 2023
Place of PublicationBonn
Publication statusPublished - 13 Sept 2023

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