Verbraucher und die digitale Welt: Wo geht die Reise hin?

Lucia A. Reisch, Andreas Oehler, Gerhard Raab, Peter Kenning, Peter Buxmann, Frank Theisen, Dirk Baecker

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Researchers at the fourth consumer research panel on digital transformation developed an agenda for the study of modern consumption that raises questions with regard to a number of multidisciplinary issues. First, data-driven business models pose various challenges and numerous opportunities. What is the value of data and how should the privacy concerns of customers be dealt with? Second, data, analytics, cognitive systems and design thinking concepts are customisable, but the direction such customisation takes is an open question. Third, new business models in the field of digital retail payment systems may have implications for consumers, payment system providers and regulators alike. How do they influence consumers’ acceptance of these innovative systems? Finally, Gary S. Becker’s production function of consumption identifies factors which allow research and politics to distinguish between consumption in the modern printing press society and in the next digital media society. What style of consumption will be produced in the next society?
    Original languageGerman
    Issue number12
    Pages (from-to)807-824
    Number of pages18
    Publication statusPublished - 2015

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