Value Co-creation Behaviour: Role of Embeddedness and Outcome Considerations

Gaurangi Laud*, Ingo Oswald Karpen

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Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


Purpose:The purpose of this paper is to identify antecedents and consequences ofcustomers’ value co-creation behaviour (VCB). VCB as a means to facilitatevalue realisation processes is gaining importance in service research andpractice. Encouraging such enactments can be challenging, but can also offercompetitive advantages.

Design/methodology/approach:We empirically investigate a conceptual model by converging threecontemporary concepts of co-creation research – embeddedness, VCB and value-in-context– and examining the interdependencies between them. Data were collected in anonline forum of a leading international weight-management firm.

Findings:Results suggest that customers’ embeddedness is a key antecedent ofcustomers’ VCB in a service system. The three embeddedness dimensions –structural, relational and cultural – have a differential impact on customers’VCB. Furthermore, findings illustrate that customers’ VCB has a significantimpact on their object-oriented, self-oriented and brand-oriented socialvalue-in-context outcomes.

Research limitations/implications:This study contributes by empirically investigating and validatingantecedents and consequences of VCB in a service system. In doing so, the studyhighlights the significance of the nature of customer’s social constellationsto develop contexts where value outcomes are actualised. Understanding thefactors that shape VCB offers insights for firms to recognise how and wherevalue propositions can be deployed that drives on-going co-creation processes.

Originality/value:This study is the first empirical research to offer insights intoimportant pre-conditions and subsequent outcomes concurrently to illustrate howcustomers’ VCB can be managed and nurtured for sustainable value co-creationprocesses within service systems. This research further advances mid-rangetheorizing and microfoundational perspectives in marketing.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Service Theory and Practice
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)778-807
Number of pages30
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Co-creation
  • S-D logic
  • Value-in-context
  • Embeddedness
  • Value co-creation behaviour

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