Understanding Collaborative capacity in an ICT context: Insights from India

    Research output: Working paperResearch

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    In this paper my endeavor is to explore the meaning and implication of collaberation within a dynamic frame which I refer to a capacity. First I review the collaboration literature from an innovation perspective and then develop a framework that enables me to engage with the data we collected during the Euro-India Innovation Mapping project funded by the European Union under the FP-7 program. The idea is to refine theory and contribute to a better understanding of collaborative as a capacity firms can build creating the environment of collaboration both within and outside. I conclude this paper discussing the new insight on collaborative capacity (CC) of firms and their implications for ICT collaboration and firm innovativness.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationFrederiksberg
    PublisherDepartment of Informatics INF, Copenhagen Business School
    Number of pages17
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2010
    SeriesWorking Paper / Institut for Informatik. Handelshøjskolen i København


    • Firm innovativeness
    • Collaborative
    • Collaborative capacity
    • Innovation
    • Emerging economies
    • India
    • Theory refinement

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