Time, Interaction, and Design in Support of a Good Life

Isabel Cristina G. Froes, Jarmo Matti Laaksolahti, Dan Witzner Hansen, Clint Heyer, Nalini Panchita Kotamraju, Lone Malmborg, Lene Nielsen, Jens Pedersen, Irina Shklovski

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


This position paper outlines a research program for the
IxD Research Group at the IT University of
Copenhagen. As such, it presents a range of questions
addressing different corners of the question of time in
IxD from the point of view of HCI, social interaction,
material expressions, and software development.
Our ongoing investigation of Interaction Design for a
Good Life (http://itu.dk/IxDLab/) has uncovered a
broad diversity of perspectives on how to unpack ‘a
good life’ through research and design, and indeed
what constitutes a good life to begin with. Through our
investigations, time has surfaced as pivotal to our
budding understanding of elements of a good life and a
useful framing for future investigations. Time is also an
important topic for interaction design, because it is at
the core of interaction, the practice of design, and, in
many ways, our use and relationships with
technological artifacts. Here we present our initial
thoughts on time-related research directions that we
wish to pursue.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2013
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Externally publishedYes
EventCHI 2013: changing perspectives - Paris, France
Duration: 27 Apr 20132 May 2013


ConferenceCHI 2013
Otherworkshop Avec Les temps
Internet address

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