The Value of Open Government Data: A Strategic Analysis Framework

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    Government data has been accumulated for centuries in protected repositories and registries as public record and a matter of civil order. Recently, the Open Government Data (OGD) movement has emerged as a group that focuses on facilitating open access to government data. Proponents of OGD initiatives argue
    that it can strengthen democracy and improve government through increased participation, collaboration and transparency. OGD advocates are also motivated by its potential contribution to greater productivity and economic growth through increased government efficiency and the creation of new businesses and services. However, as most OGD initiatives are relatively recent, the key questions regarding the value propositions and return on investment of these initiatives remain unanswered. In this theory development paper, we propose a strategic options framework that offers criteria for generating and prioritizing OGD initiatives. The framework can guide structured analysis of the economic and social impacts of OGD with an emphasis on its value propositions for both the public and private sectors. Building on a literature review and fieldwork-based anecdotal evidence, we expect OGD initiatives to generate value and substantial returns through increased transparency, efficiency of government activities, citizen participation and entrepreneurial activity.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2012
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    Event2012 Pre-ICIS Workshop: Open Data and Open Innovation in eGovernment - Orlando, Florida, United States
    Duration: 15 Dec 201215 Dec 2012


    Workshop2012 Pre-ICIS Workshop
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    CityOrlando, Florida
    SponsorAIS SIG Electronic Government
    Internet address

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