The Open Organization

Christopher Lettl, Thomas Ritter, Carsten Lund Pedersen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


The ability to organize is our most valuable social technology. Organizing affects an enterprise’s efficiency, effectiveness, and ability to adapt. Modern organizations operate in increasingly complex, dynamic environments, which puts a premium on adaptation. Compared to traditional organizations, modern organizations are flatter and more open to their environment. Their processes are more generative and interactive – actors themselves generate and coordinate solutions rather than follow hierarchically devised plans and directives. Modern organizations search outside their boundaries for resources wherever they may exist. They coproduce products and services with suppliers, customers, and partners. They collaborate, both internally and externally, to learn and become more capable. In this book, leading voices in the field of organization design articulate and exemplify how a combination of agile processes, artificial intelligence, and digital platforms powers adaptive, sustainable, and healthy organizations.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDesigning Adaptive Organizations
EditorsCharles C. Snow, Øystein D. Fjeldstad
Number of pages13
Place of PublicationCambridge
PublisherCambridge University Press
Publication date2024
ISBN (Print)9781108486750
ISBN (Electronic)9781108762441
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

Published online: November 2023.


  • Open organizations
  • Open innovation
  • Interorganizational collaboration
  • Digital nomads
  • Organization design

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