The Obama Administration and United States Trade Policy

Edward Ashbee, Alex Waddan

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    For all the focus on economic issues in the wake of the crisis of 2008 the Obama administration has remained ambiguous about a central component of economic policy. As both candidate and President, Obama has sent mixed messages about trade policy. This ambiguity reflects wider uncertainty within the Democratic Party about global trading relationships and this paper explores and assesses the reasons for this uncertainty. A large part of the answer lies in the disparate sources of support for the Democrats. That is, the party has courted support from interest groups and core groups of voters that have widely divergent views about the value of trade liberalisation.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalPolitical Quarterly
    Issue number2
    Pages (from-to)253-262
    Number of pages10
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2010

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