The Meaning of Electric Cars in the Context of Sustainable Transition in Brazil

Fabienne T. Schiavo*, Rodrigo F. Calili*, Claudio F. de Magalhães*, Isabel Froes*

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The transition from fossil-fuel cars to those powered by electricity seems to occur differently in Brazil compared with what has been observed in other countries, where it is motivated by the goal to reduce CO2 emissions and the need to reduce dependence on fossil-fuel imports. At present, fleets are reduced, values are high, and the infrastructure is incipient. This article presents a problematization of the local scenario and the results of a survey with local consumers. The goal is to determine whether this market tends towards a scenario where an electric car is perceived as a substitute for a fossil-fuel vehicle, with new technology but the same function (transportation) or if it tends towards a reinterpretation, seeing integration with the electricity grid. The results indicate gaps and opportunities in service design, public policies for smart cities, and new ICTs associated with smart grids.
Original languageEnglish
Article number11073
Issue number19
Number of pages24
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021


  • Sustainable transition
  • Electric vechicles
  • Innovation
  • Sustainable cities
  • Smart grid
  • Smart citites
  • Energy policy

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