title = "The Eye of the Use: The Influence of Movement on User's Visual Attention",
abstract = "To explore and experiment with the communicative potentials of movement in interface design, six principles for applying movement on web sites were developed. The movement principles were grouped under the following functions: catching the eye, getting attention and avoiding distraction. Letting the principles act as design guidelines a prototype was developed embedding dynamic visualizations of movement. The assumption was that the movements will help direct users{\textquoteright} visual focus and perception – without causing irritation and distraction. A pilot test of the prototype was conducted, at the same time exploring two techniques: eye-recording technique and mind tape interviews. Taking the results of our investigations as indications, we argue that use of movement - though further experiment and investigation are necessary - holds so much promising potential as a communicative tool IN INTERFACE DESIGN",
keywords = "Human-computer interaction, Brugergr{\ae}nseflade, visuel kommunikation, eye-recording, mindtape, Animation, Attention, Design principles, Distraction, Eye-catcher, Eye recording, Graphics, Motion, Mindtape, Movement, User testing, Web design",
author = "Helle Petersen and Janni Nielsen",
year = "2002",
language = "English",
series = "Working Paper / Institut for Informatik. Handelsh{\o}jskolen i K{\o}benhavn",
publisher = "Department of Informatics INF, Copenhagen Business School",
number = "2002-2",
address = "Denmark",
type = "WorkingPaper",
institution = "Department of Informatics INF, Copenhagen Business School",