The Embeddedness of Routines in the Formation of Small Biotechnology Firms

Poul Houman Andersen, Jesper Norus

Research output: Working paperResearch

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There is a continuing focus on the conditions for and processes of establishing new businesses andthe role played by the external resource context in doing so. Using sociological concepts such asnetwork bricolage and structuration some studies point to the supporting role as well as therestraining role of networks in this process. However, most research focuses on the innovative roleof entrepreneurs in linking together dispersed resources in forming a concerted business enterprise.Far less focus has been on the de facto quality of these resources in forming the entrepreneurial role.Rather, the image of the Knightian or Kriznian entreprenur is left unchallenged, even in the `new'literature on entrepreneurship. However, if the concept of network bricolage or structuration ascontexts institutionalising specific practices and sorting away others is taken seriously, the preexistenceof patterned work practices shared among business actors, and how the ability to utilisethese patterned practices in generating new business ideas affects the business start up processbecomes important. Entrepreneurial processes may not only be influenced but also internallyconstituted by the wider environment. One may therefore question whether the impetus for startingup a new business vests entirely with the entrepreneur or what role the context plays in patterningthe work of the entrepreneur with respect to firm creation. As pointed out by Gartner (1988) asking`who is the entrepreneur?' is the wrong question. For that purpose, we believe that the context ofthe entrepreneur, networks and embedded routines, provides an opportunity to understand how thecontext contributes in shaping the entrepreneurial act.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationKøbenhavn
Number of pages27
Publication statusPublished - 2003

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