The Dark Side of Management: Gerard Hanlon in Dialogue with Ephemera

Gerard Hanlon, Stephen Dunne, Christian Garmann Johnsen, Stevphen Shukaitis, Sverre Spoelstra, Konstantin Stoborod, Kenneth Weir

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debateResearch


    Towards the end of 2015, the ephemera collective organised, chaired and participated within two separate Q+A panels celebrating the launch of Gerard Hanlon’s The dark side of management: A secret history of management theory. The events took place in The University of Leicester’s School of Management and Copenhagen Business School’s Management, Politics and Philosophy Department. Each of the events were recorded, transcribed, edited and amalgamated into the following feature.
    Original languageEnglish
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)175-188
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


    • Management
    • Neo-liberalism
    • Capitalism
    • Authority
    • Subjectivity production

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