The Curvilinear Association between Performance Measurement System Design and Strategic Performance

Melanie L. Schneider, Matthias D. Mahlendorf, Utz Schäffer

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


This paper reconciles prior research regarding beneficial and detrimental effects of performance measurement system (PMS) design on performance by arguing for a curvilinear association. By taking the too-much-of-a-good-thing effect as a starting point, we challenge the assumption of a linear association between PMS design and performance outcomes predominantly found in prior research. Based on the example of the level of detail of reporting information, we provide empirical evidence for a curvilinear association following the functional form of an inverse u-shape between this PMS design facet and two strategic performance outcomes. We attribute this to information under- and overload at extreme values of level of detail.
Based on a sample of 59 matched dyadic survey observations of heads of administration and chief orthopaedists of German hospitals, we provide empirical support for the curvilinear association between PMS design and strategic performance outcomes. Results are robust against the inclusion of different sets of controls and an additional specification as a seemingly unrelated regression model.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2017
Number of pages26
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventThe 40th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association. 2017 - University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Duration: 10 May 201712 May 2017
Conference number: 40


ConferenceThe 40th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association. 2017
LocationUniversity of Valencia
Internet address

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