The Copenhagen Forum 1996-2016: Odyssey of a Learning and Teaching Community in Public Management

Jens Carl Ry Nielsen, John Raine

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


Purpose: This chapter tells the story of the initiation, development (over two decades) and collective contribution of the Copenhagen Forum since its foundation in 1996. This Forum comprises a grouping of teachers and directors of masters-level public administrative programmes (notably the MPA) from different academic institutions across Northern Europe. Each year a workshop is convened where a series of papers are presented by the participants, and from which this volume, and a number of other related publications, have been derived.
Design/methodology/approach: The chapter is essentially factual and descriptive in style; summarising the story of the Copenhagen Forum so far; doing so under the following five headings – ‘overview’, ‘origins’, ‘odyssey’, ‘outputs’ and ‘outcomes’.
Practical implications: The chapter is particularly oriented towards teachers of public administration and by focusing on the pedagogical aspects of the public management programmes that they are responsible for delivering, provides insights, guidance and suggestions from experience to help them develop their practice.
Originality/value: The aim is to provide readers with an appreciation of the context from which the inspiration for this volume, and the individual contributions, derive. It is a context that has been all about a shared fascination with, and collective commitment to, the advancement of learning and development among practicing public managers.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDeveloping Public Managers for a Changing World
EditorsKlaus Majgaard, Jens Carl Ry Nielsen, Brid Quinn, John Raine
Number of pages14
Place of PublicationBingley
PublisherEmerald Group Publishing
Publication date2016
ISBN (Print)9781786350800
ISBN (Electronic)9781786350794
Publication statusPublished - 2016
SeriesCritical Perspectives on International Public Sector Management


  • Copenhagen Forum
  • Public administration
  • Pedagogy
  • MPA

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