The Chinese Communist Party in Reform

Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard, Zheng Yongnian

    Research output: Book/ReportBookResearch


    Contrary to the expectations of many people, China's recent economic growth has not led to the collapse of the Chinese Communist Party. In fact, the party has recently carried out a peaceful and orderly transition to the so-called fourth generation of leadership, has revitalised itself, and created a new, younger and better trained cadre corps. Despite this successful transformation, there continue to be many problems that the party will need to overcome if it is to remain in power, including pressures for democratization in both urban and rural areas, widespread corruption, the emergence of new social groups, and increasing dissatisfaction among workers who seem to be losing out in the present transition process. "The Chinese Communist Party in Reform" explores the current state of the Chinese Communist Party and the many challenges which it faces. It considers the dynamics of development in China, the party organisation, recruitment and management, and the party's role in society more widely. It concludes by examining the prospects for the future of the Party, including whether it will continue to be able to accommodate socio-economic changes within China and pressures from abroad, and the likely nature of its evolution. Overall, this book provides a comprehensive assessment of the internal dynamics of the Chinese Communist Party and its role in Chinese society.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationLondon
    Number of pages268
    ISBN (Print)0415374774
    Publication statusPublished - 2006

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