The Adoption of Web 2.0 By Luxury Fashion Brands

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    This is a longitudinal study of the extent to which luxury fashion brands have struggled with the dilemma of on the one hand interacting with fans and customers online, while on the other hand retain the exclusivity, surprise, and innovation hype of the brand. We have developed a framework for assessing websites and social media sites of luxury fashion brands. We applied the framework in three empirical studies in 2006, 2008 and 2010. Our findings show that the observed luxury brands have increased their adoption of social and
    interactive digital Internet-based technologies since 2006. We also document some of the most interesting uses of Web 2.0 technologies fashion brands for creating an immersing and innovative environment online. While some brands like Burberry has gone ‘the full Monty’, others like Prada has not had a functioning web-site since 2007, probably disappointed about their first attempts at ‘getting their feet wet’ early on. The findings have theoretical relevance in the shape of the 8C framework, but it should also have relevance
    for practitioners, as it might function as a checklist for creators and management of fashion brand websites.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCONF-IRM 2011 Proceedings : KMIS & Conf-IRM International Conference 2011: Service Management and Innovation with Information Technology
    EditorsLech Janzcewski
    Number of pages14
    Place of PublicationAuckland
    PublisherUniversity of Auckland
    Publication date2011
    ChapterPaper 34
    ISBN (Print)9780473188955
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    EventKMIS & Conf-IRM International Conference 2011: Service Management and Innovation with Information technology - Seoul, Korea, Republic of
    Duration: 12 Jun 201114 Jun 2011


    ConferenceKMIS & Conf-IRM International Conference 2011: Service Management and Innovation with Information technology
    Country/TerritoryKorea, Republic of

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