Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment: A Meta Analysis

Klaus E. Meyer, Evis Sinani

    Research output: Working paperResearch

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    The extensive empirical literature analyzing productivity spillovers from foreign direct investment to local firms provides inconclusive results. Some studies find that foreign presence has a positive impact on the productivity of domestic firms, while others find no evidence or a negative effect. Differences in the results may be attributable to contexts, such as the structural differences between developed, developing and transition economies. However, results may also vary due to different empirical methodologies, notably the use of aggregate versus firm-level data and cross-section versus panel data analysis. We conduct a meta-analysis to investigate reasons for these conflicting results, and provide a revised interpretation of earlier research and its policy implications, and new priorities for future research. Our analysis suggests that the hypothesized spillovers are not confirmed for industrialized countries in the 1990s. Transition economies may experience spillovers, but these have been declining in recent years. Keywords: developing countries, transition economies, spillovers, foreign direct investment, technology transfer, meta-analysis
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationKøbenhavn
    Number of pages34
    Publication statusPublished - 2005

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