Speech-enabled Computer-aided Translation: A Satisfaction Survey with Post-editor Trainees

Bartolomé Mesa-Lao

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    The present study has surveyed post-editor trainees’ views and attitudes before and after the introduction of speech technology as a front end to a computer-aided translation workbench. The aim of the survey was (i) to identify attitudes and perceptions among post-editor trainees before performing a post-editing task using automatic speech recognition (ASR); and (ii) to assess the
    degree to which post-editors’ attitudes and expectations to the use of speech technology changed after actually using it. The survey was based on two questionnaires: the first one administered before the participants performed
    with the ASR system and the second one at the end of the session, once they have actually used ASR while post-editing machine translation outputs. Overall, the results suggest that the surveyed posteditor trainees tended to report a positive view of ASR in the context of post-editing and they would consider adopting ASR as an input method for future post-editing tasks.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the Workshop on Humans and Computer-assisted Translation (HaCaT)
    EditorsUlrich Germann, Michael Carl, Philipp Koehn, Germán Sanchis-Trilles, Francisco Casacuberta, Robin Hill, Sharon O’Brien
    Number of pages5
    Place of PublicationStroudsburg, PA
    PublisherAssociation for Computational Linguistics
    Publication date2014
    ISBN (Print)9781937284824
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    EventThe EACL 2014 Workshop on Humans and Computer-assisted Translation. HaCat 2014: Human in the Loop - Gothenburg, Sweden
    Duration: 26 Apr 201426 Apr 2014


    WorkshopThe EACL 2014 Workshop on Humans and Computer-assisted Translation. HaCat 2014
    Internet address

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