SAT-WIND project. Final report

Charlotte Bay Hasager, Poul Astrup, Niels Morten Nielsen, Merete Bruun Christiansen, Jake Badger, P. Nielsen, P.B. Sørensen, Rebecca Jane Barthelmie, Sara Pryor, H. Bergström

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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The SAT-WIND project 'Winds from satellites for offshore and coastal wind energy mapping and wind-indexing' was a research project funded by STVF/DSF in the years 2003 to 2006 (Sagsnr. 2058-03-0006). The goal of the project was to verify the applicability of satellite wind maps derived from passive microwave, altimeter, scatterometer and imaging Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technologies for wind energy tools for wind resources and wind-indexing. The study area was the Danish Seas including the North Sea, interior seas and the Baltic Sea. The report describes technical details on the satellite data sources including " passive microwave (SSM/I, AMSR-E), " passive microwave polarimetric (WindSat), " scatterometer (ERS, QuikSCAT, Midori-2 and NSCAT), " altimeter (ERS, Topex, Poseidon, GFO-1, Jason-1), " SAR (ERS, Envisat). The SAR wind maps were treated in S-WAsP developed by Risoe National Laboratory in cooperation with GRAS A/S in the innovative project SAT-WIND-SMV (Sagsnr. 2104-05-0084) in the years 2005 and 2006 in parallel with SAT-WIND. The results from the SAT-WIND project are presented. These include ocean wind statistics, offshore wind resource estimates and comparison results for wind-indexing.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationRoskilde, Denmark
PublisherRisø National Laboratory
Number of pages131
ISBN (Print)87-550-3570-1
Publication statusPublished - 2007
Externally publishedYes
SeriesDenmark. Forskningscenter Risoe. Risoe-R

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