Protection Myopia: Managerial Views Towards Intellectual Property And The Implications For Innovative Performance

Keld Laursen, Ammon Salter, Cher Li

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


    The strategies firms use to protect their intellectual property and knowledge can strongly influence their ability to capture the benefits of their innovative efforts. Using the attention-based theory, we explore positive and negative sides of legal appropriability. While asserting the benefits from having an orientation towards legal appropriability, we conjecture that protection myopia may lead some firms to allocate too much attention to legal appropriability, in particular when the behavioral and structural contingencies are unfavorable. Examining a panel of three successive waves of a large-scale survey data of UK manufacturing firms, we find that an orientation towards legal appropriability is curvilinearly (taking an inverted U-shape) related to innovative performance. However, this effect is only present when the firms? product innovations are radical or when they are involved in significant product improvements, and/or when their industries are low-tech.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication dateJun 2013
    Number of pages35
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2013
    EventThe 35th DRUID Celebration Conference 2013: Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship: Competitiveness and Dynamics of Organizations, Technologies, Systems and Geography - ESADE Business School, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain
    Duration: 17 Jun 201319 Jun 2013
    Conference number: 35


    ConferenceThe 35th DRUID Celebration Conference 2013: Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship
    LocationESADE Business School, Ramon Llull University
    OtherThe DRUID Society Conference 2013
    Internet address

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