Profiling and Automated Decision Making in the Present and New EU Data Protection Frameworks

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The digital world of the 21st century is increasingly the world of automatic
decision making. In such a world, an ever larger number of tasks are relegated
to computers which gather and process data as well as suggest or make
decisions silently and with little supervision. This situation has been made
possible by a transfer of a staggering portion of our daily lives from the offline
world to the Internet. It is a truism that automation would be impossible
without our willing participation on the Internet. We freely take part in social
networks, post on blogs, and send our emails. On the other hand, it is equally
true that we are increasingly monitored by the state, by profit‐maximizing
corporations and by our fellow citizens and that these methods of monitoring
are becoming smarter. Vast amounts of data which have become available
and which we contribute, form what we today call “big data”.1 This is then
harvested for connections and correlations and profiles created that can be
used for commercial and other purposes. We fear this world but are also
dependant on it. The creation of these profiles and their usage is an uncharted
territory for the social sciences as much as it is a strange territory for the
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2014
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event7th International Conference Computers, Privacy & Data Protection: Reforming Data Protection: The Global Perspective - Brussels, Belgium
Duration: 22 Jan 201424 Jan 2014
Conference number: 7


Conference7th International Conference Computers, Privacy & Data Protection
Internet address

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