Organizational Identity and Culture Change

Davide Ravasi, Majken Schultz

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


In this chapter, we build on research on the interplay between organizational culture and identity to propose a teleological model of culture change that acknowledges the multiple ways in which organizational identity may influence the process. Based on prior studies, we identify three change pathways. The first is characterized by the use of new identity claims to consolidate new and emerging practices, and incorporate them into the organizational culture. The second acknowledges how members may be pushed to alter established cultural practices by a severe misalignment between image and identity. The third draws attention to the role of new identity claims, articulating a new vision for the distant future, to stimulate the incorporation of new elements in the organizational culture.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Oxford Handbook of Organizational Change and Innovation
EditorsMarshall Scott Poole, Andrew H. Van de Ven
Number of pages25
Place of PublicationOxford
PublisherOxford University Press
Publication date2021
ISBN (Print)9780198845973
ISBN (Electronic)9780198845973
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Organizational culture
  • Organizational identity
  • Culture change
  • Identity change
  • Organizational identity dynamics
  • Temporality
  • Vision

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