Open Up the Business School! From Rigour and Relevance to Purpose, Responsibility and Quality

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Purpose, responsibility and quality will not arrive neatly-packaged on the doorstep of the business school. Business schools need networks and partners, critical friends and experts in different fields. Rather than thinking about the business school in either/or terms, we need to open up to fresh ways of thinking about, contributing to and organising this crucial institution. A serious focus on quality obliges business schools to consider how they define excellence in their activities. Currently, important developments are taking place concerning responsible research in a business and management context. The Community for Responsible Research in Business and Management has presented seven principles in support of its Vision 2030: service to society; valuing both basic and applied contributions; valuing plurality and multidisciplinarity; sound methodology; stakeholder involvement; impact on stakeholders; broad dissemination.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPerspectives on the Impact, Mission and Purpose of the Business School
EditorsEric Cornuel, Howard Thomas, Matthew Wood
Number of pages5
Place of PublicationAbingdon
Publication date2023
ISBN (Print)9781032487588, 9781032487595
ISBN (Electronic)9781003390633
Publication statusPublished - 2023
SeriesEFMD Management Education

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