Offshore and Domestic Subsidiary R&D Sourcing: Its Antecedents and Innovation Outcomes

Michael Mol, Olivier Bertrand

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


Production of services involves three key elements, an output for the client, resources of a provider and task execution. Offshoring of services acts as an exogenous shock to such a production system. Using multiple case methodology we investigate how task output, execution, and resources change as a consequence of offshoring and particularly how these elements are realigned. The cases reveal substantial managerial challenges in the alignment process prompted by a relocation of service task execution to an emerging economy. In particular, we find that instead of some set of capabilities that proactively orchestrates resources to suit the task at hand, the change in resources seems to be driving alterations as to how the tasks are executed, making them less discretionary and more routinized.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2013
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Externally publishedYes
EventStrategic Management Society 33rd Annual International Conference. SMS 2013 - Atlanta, GA, United States
Duration: 28 Sept 20131 Oct 2013
Conference number: 33


ConferenceStrategic Management Society 33rd Annual International Conference. SMS 2013
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityAtlanta, GA
Internet address

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