Von niederer Herkunft: Die praktischen Wurzeln des interaktiven Computing

Translated title of the contribution: Of Humble Origins: The Practice Roots of Interactive and Collaborative Computing

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What today, typically, is conceived of a «computing», namely, «personal computing», developed not from a ‹Turing machine›, but as a technology for facilitating large-scale cooperative work activities. This technology, ‹interactive computing›, subsequently branched out in all directions, ranging from interactive human-computer systems such as laptop computers and smartphones, but also to embedded computing devices. Important paradigms of interactive computing applications were built by practitioners as practical techniques for their own use or for the use of their colleagues, and later generalized.
Translated title of the contributionOf Humble Origins: The Practice Roots of Interactive and Collaborative Computing
Original languageGerman
JournalZeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft
Issue number15-1
Pages (from-to)140-156
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2015

Bibliographical note

A slightly shorter version of this text was translated and published in
Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, No. 12, 2015. The shorter German translation deals with the roots of interactive computing; the longer version deals with
both interactive and collaborative computing.

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