Nordea Goes Green with IT: From 2007-2010

    Research output: Working paperResearch

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    To become sustainable, or green, is in Nordea not a process that is forced upon the organization by top management. On the contrary, it is a smooth and soft process lead by champions and supported by the management team. One could compare the process with the game curling, where a small grain of sand might stop the curling stone to reach the nest. In the greening process of Nordea it is a risk that
    the process might be set back for several years if it is not carefully managed. To ensure that no grain of sand hinders the process, a slow and incremental strategy is in place. The process is supported and encouraged by the management and grounded in the corporate values....
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherCenter for Applied ICT (CAICT), CBS
    Number of pages36
    ISBN (Print)9788792524072
    Publication statusPublished - 27 May 2011

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