Multimedia Teaching Cases

Rikke Ørngreen

    Research output: Book/ReportPhD thesis

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    The summary presents an overview of the dissertation and major findings of my research: · Research Area, Questions and Design · Frame of Reference - Domain Knowledge · Major Findings Research Area, Questions and Design This dissertation investigates development and use of multimedia teaching cases, as applied in business education. Teaching cases present companies, and the current problems or opportunities they are facing. (Barnes, Christensen and Hansen 1994, Maufette-Leenders, Erskine and Leenders 1997, Heath 1998, Manninen 1997.) The primary characteristic is that the case is based on real events. Very often the case description follows a decision-making situation. (Mauffette-Leenders, Erskine, and Leenders 1997, Hazard 2000.) The case is prepared by students and then discussed in class. The objective of the class discussion is to analyse the company's situation and come up with viable strategies for the future (Leenders and Erskine 1989, Heath 1998, Orngreen and Bielli 2001). Cases were introduced to business education already in 1910 at the Harvard Business School, and have since then gained widespread use throughout the world (Leenders and Erskine 1989). Traditionally teaching cases have been written descriptions, but the teaching cases in this dissertation are multimedia cases. The use of multimedia teaching cases is a relatively new phenomenon. Because of the novelty of the approach, research on how to apply these or developing them is extremely limited. Though I investigate both a use and a development perspective, the use dimension is investigated with the purpose to inform development. In particular the dissertation results in a set of roles and tools influencing the development process, which is also seen in my three research questions: 1. Which roles and tools characterise the development and use of multimedia teaching cases for business education? 2. How are these roles and tools applied to the multimedia development process, and how do they support or restrain the development. 3. How are the development roles and tools, and the use roles and tools interrelated, and how do they relate to a development model for multimedia teaching cases?
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationCopenhagen
    PublisherCopenhagen Business School [Phd]
    Number of pages277
    ISBN (Print)8759381779
    Publication statusPublished - 2002

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