Media for Reflection: A Comparison of Renaissance Mirrors for Princes and Contemporary Management Education

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This article develops the concept media for reflection in the interest of conceptualizing the interpretative frames that enable and limit reflection in management and leadership education. The concept ‘media for reflection’ allows us to conceptualize the social and cultural mediation of reflection without reducing reflection to an effect of the social structures and cultural norms in which it is embedded. Based on the developed theoretical framework, this article analyses how a renaissance ‘mirror for princes’ and contemporary research-based management education mediate reflection. The content of the mediations is analysed as well as the societal and organizational background. Furthermore, the means by which the two media enable and limit reflection in different ways is compared. Finally, the article discusses possible implications of the analysis in terms of management and leadership education.
Original languageEnglish
JournalManagement Learning
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)305-323
Number of pages19
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2016


  • Heider
  • Leadership
  • Luhmann
  • Management education
  • Management learning
  • Mediations
  • Medium
  • Mirrors for princes
  • Reflection
  • Reflexivity
  • Research-based management education

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