Market segmentation and the prediction of tourist behavior: The case of Bornholm, Denmark

Nick Johns*, Szilvia Gyimóthy

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Data from a visitor survey on the Danish Island of Bornholm were analyzed using multivariate techniques. Factor analysis of visitors' preferences and behavior patterns indicated three main goals: relaxation, nature, and local culture. Two distinct clusters, "active" and "inactive" vacationers, were derived from the data. Actives tended to be Germans, to plan their vacation carefully to exercise autonomy in their booking of transport and accommodation, and to value the provision of amenities on the island. Inactives were mostly Scandinavians, and though they made fewer plans, they were more likely to visit the island's most popular attractions. On the basis of logistic regression analysis, it is suggested that the most important differentiating factors between clusters were (1) the importance accorded to amenity provision, (2) nationality, (3) age, (4) activity participation, (5) planning behavior, (6) attraction visiting behavior, (7; autonomy, and (8) gender.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Travel Research
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)316-327
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2002
Externally publishedYes

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