Marius the Giraffe

Lisbet Pals Svendsen, Emil Muus Larsen

    Research output: Other contributionTeaching case


    In the early months of 2014, the Copenhagen Zoo found itself at the centre of a media storm. The Zoo had not been prepared for the massive reaction from the Danish and international community to the culling of a young giraffe, Marius. Two issues were at the centre of the debate: Firstly, why did the Copenhagen Zoo feel that they had to put down a perfectly healthy young giraffe, and secondly why did they choose to do a public autopsy allowing young children to watch? The case addresses responsible management issues in that it puts focus on management decisions made in the Copenhagen Zoo, which make perfect sense to them, but which are in stark contrast to what many members of the general public consider ethical behaviour. The case highlights the information obligation that an institution of the Zoo's nature has towards the general public, and it questions whether this information obligation was handled properly or whether another strategy would have had a less damaging impact on the Zoo's image. This case study has been written drawing on news media sources at the time when the events unfolded. For background information, the websites of the Copenhagen Zoo and the other animal wildlife parks mentioned in the case have been used.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date21 Sept 2015
    Place of PublicationFrederiksberg
    PublisherCopenhagen Business School, CBS
    Number of pages19
    Publication statusPublished - 21 Sept 2015
    SeriesCBS free case collection

    Bibliographical note

    Case - Reference no. 915-013-1

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