Mapping Knowledge and Intellectual Capital in Academic Environments: A Focus Group Study

Tomas Hellström, Kenneth Husted

    Research output: Working paperResearch

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    This paper argues that knowledge mapping may provide a fruitful avenue for intellectual capitalmanagement in academic environments such as university departments. However, while some researchhas been conducted on knowledge mapping and intellectual capital management in the public sector,the university has so far not been directly considered for this type of management. The paper initiallyreviews the functions and techniques of knowledge mapping and assesses these in the light of academicdemands. Secondly, the result of a focus group study is presented, where academic leaders were askedto reflect of the uses of knowledge mapping at their departments and institutes. Finally a number ofsuggestions are made as to the rationale and conduct of knowledge mapping in academe.Keywords: Knowledge mapping, academic, intellectual capital management, focus group, researchmanagement
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationKøbenhavn
    Number of pages29
    ISBN (Print)8791506115
    Publication statusPublished - 2003

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