Kinds of ‘Moving’ in Designing with Sticky Notes

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We explore why and how designers move sticky notes by conducting a visuospatial analysis of sticky note moves as they unfold across time in design practice. We find that individual sticky note moves have a relatively stable sequential order containing strategies for directing and maintaining shared attention. Further, three kinds of sticky note movements are found pertaining to the formation of associations, categories, and partial solution structures. Moving sticky notes provides support for conceptual design centrally through attending to the proximity between notes across time in gesture and placement. Proximity serves as a marker of associative strength and category centrality, and also plays a key role in the structural build-up of relationships between objects
Original languageEnglish
Article number101036
JournalDesign Studies
Number of pages32
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021


  • Design moves
  • Design practice
  • Design cognition
  • Collaborative design
  • Ethnomethodology

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