Information Management Practices: How Knowledge Workers Act as Amateurs When Using Information at Work

Ioanna Constantiou, Sabine Madsen, Anastasia Papazafeiropoulou

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearch

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    The proliferation of Internet technologies in the workspace provides tremendous possibilities for knowledge workers to access vast amounts of information from a large number of sources. The information abundance offers new opportunities which empower the knowledge worker but at the same time may create information overload. This study explores academics’ information management practices, by applying a theoretical framework build on three theoretical perspectives. These involve mindfulness, sense-making, and decision-making heuristics. The theoretical framework is used to analyse diary data about three tasks: email management, communication with colleagues, and information search. Our findings show that the knowledge workers have developed their own relatively simple but seemingly suitable practices for dealing with information overload and being empowered from the abundant information available to them. The relative amateurism and professionalism of the participants are discussed and limitations of this study as well as areas for future research are delineated.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2011
    Number of pages23
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    EventThe 27th EGOS Colloquium 2011 - Göteborg , Sweden
    Duration: 6 Jun 20119 Jun 2011
    Conference number: 27


    ConferenceThe 27th EGOS Colloquium 2011
    OtherHosted by the School of Business, Economics and Law,<br/>University of Gothenburg
    Internet address

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