Impact of Brexit on the UK energy system: A Statement from Durham Energy Institute

Simon Hogg, Jon Gluyas, Tooraj Jamasb, Douglas Halliday, Simone Abram, Duncan Connors, Chris Spargo, Hongjian Sun, Manuel Llorca, Rui Carvalho

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch


The Durham Energy Institute (DEI) is making an urgent case for the UK Government tofocus on energy priorities as part of the Brexit negotiations and decision-making process.The UK is already facing significant threats to the future security of the UK energy systemwhich are likely to be enhanced by the uncertainties of the Brexit processThis statement sets out some key issues the DEI would like policy makers to consider whichhave significant implications for UK Energy resilience and sustainability.DEI forms part of Durham University. We nurture research on a wide-range of energytechnologies including renewables generation (wind, solar, hydro, bio) and integration, smartgrids, power systems and transmission networks, geo-energy, bio-fuels, and nuclear energy.Building on this expertise we emphasise a ‘Science and Society’ approach to energy whichtackles the societal aspects of energy technology and explores the social, political andeconomic implications of technological developments
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationDurham
PublisherDurham Energy Institute, Durham University
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes

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