How to Study Women Entrepreneurs, Leadership, and Cultural Practices

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


This workshop discusses how to study the business challenges of woman entrepreneurs. Research has shown that women entrepreneurs face several significant barriers. These include cultural attitudes towards women leaders, lack of access to capital and networks and not least work-life balance. Traditional cultural attitudes often view women as being responsible for caring for the family and home, which can make it difficult for them to pursue entrepreneurial careers (Jennings & Brush, 2013); (Bullough, Guelich, Manolova, & Schjoedt, 2022).

Studies of entrepreneurs across cultures are s?ll scarce due to the challenge of contextual knowledge, local culture and language (Nummela & Welch, 2006: 134). In this workshop we discuss how to study women entrepreneurs as business leaders. How do we get access to document their dreams and drivers as well as the work-life realities of women entrepreneurs? The methods include quantitative longitudinal and survey studies, and ethnographic methods of observation and interviews and focus groups.

Our experiences are from Portugal, Denmark, Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, Bali and Japan.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2023
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventThe 21st International Studying Leadership Conference: The Leadership Dynamics of Systems Change - Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Denmark
Duration: 10 Dec 202312 Dec 2023


ConferenceThe 21st International Studying Leadership Conference
LocationCopenhagen Business School
Internet address

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