How Individuals Create Dynamic Capabilities

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstract in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


Dynamic capabilities are important for organizational performance. However, we know little about individuals' actions in developing them. We set out to study: How and why do individuals create dynamic capabilities? Based on an in-depth study of 63 researchers in the biomedical field, we observed that after receiving a large grant some developed, while others did not, dynamic capabilities. This variation could be explained by their temporal structuring, which led us to categorize them into four groups: The synergizers, the disruptors, the subsumed, and the isolated. The synergizers and the disruptors used strategies for implementing and acquiring resources and therefore developed dynamic capabilities. The synergizers developed coupled dynamic capabilities and the disruptors developed decoupled dynamic capabilities. In contrast, the subsumed only used strategies for implementing resources and therefore only developed coupled ordinary capabilities. Lastly, the isolated neither used strategies for implementing nor for acquiring resources and thus only developed decoupled ordinary capabilities. This paper extends the dynamic capabilities literature by identifying the strategies which enable individuals to develop dynamic capabilities. Furthermore, the paper identifies how individual level strategies shape continuous change or lead to disruptions at the organizational level. Lastly, the paper integrates temporality theory into the literature on dynamic capabilities.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
EditorsSonia Taneja
Number of pages1
Place of PublicationValhalla, NY
PublisherAcademy of Management
Publication date2024
Publication statusPublished - 2024
EventThe Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2024: Innovating for the Future: Policy, Purpose, and Organizations - Chicago, United States
Duration: 9 Aug 202413 Aug 2024
Conference number: 84


ConferenceThe Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2024
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address
SeriesAcademy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings

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