title = "How do we know what is known?: A text- and psycholinguistic challenge to the study of texts for specific purposes",
keywords = "Tekstlingvistik, Fagsprog, Psykolingvistik",
author = "Lita Lundquist",
note = "Opstilling: 800.87 lun L{\o}be nr.: 037621; How do we know what is known? ; Conference date: 30-06-2010",
year = "2003",
language = "English",
series = "S{\`e}rie activitas",
number = "12",
pages = "17--38",
editor = "Cabr{\'e}, {Maria Teresa} and Judit Freixa and Charles Teb{\'e}",
booktitle = "Terminolog{\'i}a y conocimiento especializado: III Simposio Internacional de Verano de Terminilog{\'i}a: {"}Las fuentes del conocimiento especializado y la terminolog{\'i}a{"} (10-13 de julio de 2001)",