Green Themes in Higher Education: The EU, Denmark and CBS

Jens Kjær Riemer, Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan, Lavinia-Cristina Iosif-Lazar

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Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have, during the last two decades, been incorporating sustainability into their systems (Lozano et al., 2022) at varying paces and using numerous methods. Growing efforts to integrate sustainability into education and curricula at HEIs, across disciplines, has been observed in research studies (see for example Karatzoglou, 2013). In November 2021 the Ministry of Education and Science reached out to HEIs in Denmark to collect information about how Danish HEIs work to integrate green transformation in the educational programmes offered.
The Ministry pointed out that they were aware that HEIs are working to integrate the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and broader sustainability perspectives in the educations. In order to get a comprehensive understanding of the stages of implementation of green transition in higher education, the Ministry asked for a mapping that focused explicitly on the extent of coverage of selected topics (Ministry of Education and Science, 2020) related to green transition in higher education.

At CBS, Green Transition has become firmly rooted in the CBS strategy released in June 2020 and the student competency framework the NORDIC 9 [N9] (see Annex 1 for the N9)


Conference9th Responsible Management Education Research Conference
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