Fundamental Signs and Significance-effects: A Semeiotic outline of Fundamental Signs, Significance-effects, Knowledge Profiling and their Use in Knowledge Organization and Branding

Torkild Leo Thellefsen

    Research output: Book/ReportDoctoral thesispeer-review

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    I designate my work as a semeiotic of knowledge organization in a somewhat wide meaning of the concept. A somewhat wide meaning means that it is not restricted to LIS research in keywords or representational theory of documents or thesauri construction etc. It builds upon and is inspired by the semeiotic of Peirce. It understands development of signs as a process of knowledge organization. Here, the focus is on branding, emotions and scientific knowledge. Therefore, the aim of the thesis is to present the concepts: the fundamental sign, the significance‐effect, semeiotic constructivism and the knowledge profile, and to suggest some relations between them. The main questions I pursue, and which this thesis hopefully will give answers to, are: Is it possible to define and describe the above mentioned concepts, which have their theoretical starting point in the semeiotic of Peirce? And is it possible to outline a use of these concepts?
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationFrederiksberg
    PublisherCopenhagen Business School [Phd]
    Number of pages274
    ISBN (Print)9788759384060
    Publication statusPublished - 2009
    SeriesDBA PhD Series

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