From Neo-republicanism to Socialist Republicanism: Antonio Gramsci, the European Council Movements and the ‘Second Republican Revival’

Andreas Møller Mulvad, Benjamin Ask Popp-Madsen

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    This article engages with socialist republicanism, which is preoccupied with extending freedom as non-domination, central to the neo-republican revival, from the political sphere of formal democracy to the economic sphere of capitalist production. Firstly, we discuss the transition from neo-republicanism to socialist republicanism. Secondly, we reconstruct the socialist republicanism of Antonio Gramsci, who was involved in the council movements in Turin in 1919–20. We argue that Gramsci applies the republican vocabulary of servitude to describe the capitalist workplace and analyse the workers’ councils as republican forms, allowing for popular self-determination in the economic sphere. Consequently, we contribute to the ongoing exploration of the historical, political, and conceptual affinities between republicanism and socialism and inscribe Gramsci as a key thinker in this endeavour.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalTheoria: A Journal for Social and Political Theory
    Issue number171
    Pages (from-to)97-118
    Number of pages22
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022


    • Antonio Gramsci
    • Non-domination
    • Republicanism
    • Socialism
    • Workers' council

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