From Goods to Services Consumption: A Social Network Analysis on Sharing Economy and Servitization Research

Martin P. Fritze, Florian Urmetze, Gohar F. Khan, Marko Sarstedt, Andy Neely, Tobias Schäfers

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


The transition from consuming goods to consumingservices is a topic of great interest for service researchersand has been examined from various perspectives.We provide an overview of how this fieldof research has been approached by systematicallyanalyzing the current state of the academic literature.We report the results of a social network analysisof the sharing economy and servitization literature,which reveals the structure of the knowledgenetworks that have been formed as a result of thecollaborative works of researchers, institutions, andjournals that shape, generate, distribute, and preservethe domains’ intellectual knowledge. We shedlight on the cohesion and fragmentation of knowledgeand highlight the emerging and fading topicswithin the field. The results present a detailed analysisof the research field and suggest a researchagenda on the transition of goods to services consumption.
Original languageEnglish
JournalSMR - Journal of Service Management Research
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)3-16
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Externally publishedYes

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