Entrepreneurship, Subjectivism, and the Resource-based View: Towards a New Synthesis

Nicolai J. Foss, Peter G. Klein, Yasemin Y. Kor, Joseph T. Mahoney

    Research output: Working paperResearch

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    This paper maintains that the consistent application of subjectivism helps to reconcile contemporary entrepreneurship theory with strategic management research in general, and the resource−based view in particular. The paper synthesizes theoretical insights from Austrian economics and Penrose's (1959) resources approach, arguing that entrepreneurship is inherently subjective and firm specific. This new synthesis describes how entrepreneurship is manifested in teams, and is driven by both heterogeneity of managerial mental models and shared team experiences.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationKøbenhavn
    PublisherCenter for Strategic Management and Globalization
    Number of pages39
    ISBN (Print)8791815363
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2006
    SeriesSMG Working Paper

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