Empirical Essays on Technology Supported Learning: Studies of Danish Higher Education

Mette Franck

Research output: Book/ReportPhD thesis

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This thesis consists of three chapters that empirically investigates how the educational outcomes of students in higher education have been affected by technology supported learning.
The first chapter, Chapter 1, is co-authored with Julie Buhl-Wiggers, Lisbeth la Cour, and Annemette Kjærgaard and investigates the imple-mentation of a blended flipped classroom format in higher education. This pedagogical format often relies on technology to deliver content that has traditionally been delivered in-class out of the classroom and hereby fa-cilitating active learning during face-to-face instruction. Though the pop-ularity of flipped classroom has been increasing in recent years, there is still limited formal quantitative evidence on its effectiveness. In the study presented in Chapter 1, we analyze two iterations of a randomized field experiment that introduced flipped classroom to freshmen students in an undergraduate macroeconomics course. We complement recent literature by considering a large-scale flipped classroom intervention that affected 933 students and 11 teachers. Moreover, we present new knowledge by examining heterogeneous treatment effects according to two classroom-level factors, namely teachers and peer ability composition. Our analyses show a positive but insignificant average effect of flipped classroom on students’ performance in the final exam and that there was no differen-tial effect for students exposed to different means of their peers’ ability levels. We do, however, find substantial shifts in teachers’ relative ranks in terms of their ability to benefit student performance when comparing traditional and flipped classroom conditions, which suggests that the best teacher in a traditional teaching environment is not necessarily the best teacher in a flipped classroom environment.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationFrederiksberg
PublisherCopenhagen Business School [Phd]
Number of pages170
ISBN (Print)9788775681471
ISBN (Electronic)9788775681488
Publication statusPublished - 2023
SeriesPhD Series

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