Electric Vehicles and the Changing Automotive GVC: A Window of Opportunity for African Countries?

Tobias Wuttke

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Only two African countries have successfully integrated with the automotive GVC to date: South Africa and Morocco. Their experiences, compared to other even more successful developing and emerging economies with automotive industries, highlight both the opportunities as well as the limitations of automotive GVC participation as an economic development engine. Scale in vehicle production, facilitated by government industrial policy, is the key prerequisite for successful participation with localisation benefits. These fundamentals do not change with the shift to electric vehicles. Governments in Africa and elsewhere need to attract FDI in electric vehicle production and from there can support the development of a local component and materials value chain. Once these basics are covered, governments and local firms can aim for making use of the technological window of opportunity by investing in EV-related technology, mainly battery technology, to potentially capture more value from automotive GVC participation than has traditionally been possible in the ICE vehicle value chain.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationFrederiksberg
PublisherCentre for Business and Development Studies
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Externally publishedYes
SeriesCentre for Business and Development Studies. Policy Brief
NumberMarch 2023

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